water is life by Bess Path

Last night I went to Binghamton City hall for an opening of   Our Pricelss Planet exhibit.  It's there till late April.  I highly recommend it if you can get there.  I was blown away by one exhibit in particular I'm sorry I don't know the artists name.  She had a video of the most amazing tree I've ever seen.  It's located in Kenya.  The roots extend over the edge of an opening in the ground reaching a long distance to a pool of water.  I was struck by it's beauty and even in the video I could feel the spirtual power of this incredible tree. She had also made very large paintings of some images from the video.  WOW that is all I can say.   I hope you get to go see it! 
The Amphora made for us to carry the water in on the Walk About Water is also displayed there (only until late March). It is very beautiful.  I got to carry it on the way down to the confluence park(and delighted to find out it's light) where it was presented to us and water from Buttermilk Falls  PA was transfered into it while the 2 dozen or so attendees chanted a water chant. The procession back to City Hall was lead by a woman playing bag pipes!  That was great fun..
Chris, Deanna and I stayed overnight with Lynn and today we walked part of the route for Walk About Water only about 6 or 7 miles.  We checked out a couple of  D&H Rail Trail Heads(which is where we will walk on thursday of the walk week)  and found a park where we hope to have Thursday's event.
Here are a couple of links I think you might find interesting.  I certainly did.

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